THE SHOEMAKER'S CLASS は、東京の靴作りの学校、教室です。実績のある靴職人が古典的製法による靴作りを一から丁寧にお教えします。各自のご都合に合わせて、月ごとに自由に受講日を選択していただけるシステムで、月に何回受講していただいてもかまいません。趣味として月に1〜2回受講する方や、プロを目指し週に5回受講する方など、受講スタイルはさまざまです。THE SHOEMAKER'S CLASS には手作りの靴作りを体験してみたい、ライフワークにしたい、 さらにはプロを目指したいという方まで、男女幅広い年齢層の方々が集まっています。たとえば、入学をお考えの方々からよく「女性でも大丈夫ですか?」と尋ねられます が、靴作りは力と言うよりもコツが重要なのです。THE SHOEMAKER'S CLASS では、そのコツも含めなるべく効率良く、多くの方々に靴作りの工程を楽しみながら学んでいただけるようにカリキュラムを組んでいます。ほかにも、靴についての知識、皮革についての知識や、靴作りにおいて最も難解とされる木型作りなどを、ご自分のペースで深くじっくりマスターすることのできる靴教室です。
THE SHOEMAKER’S CLASS is a shoemaking school founded by MISAWA SHOE DESIGN, INC. in Tokyo, Japan. Experienced shoemakers will instruct you carefully from scratch the traditional crafting methods of shoemaking. Following your schedule, you may arrange your preferred class day and number of classes you’d like to join each month! Some of our students here take classes once or twice a month as a hobby, and some are taking as many as five classes a week aiming to become a professional in the field.
At THE SHOEMAKER’S CLASS, we come from all walks of life; men and women with a wide range of different purposes such as: “I would like to try it out”, ”I would like to incorporate shoemaking techniques into my works”, or “I just enjoy making things!”, etc.
Sometimes we get asked by female students if it is possible for a woman to join our school. Our answer is a definite: “Yes! Not a problem at all!”. Since shoemaking is about grasping the techniques rather than using brute strength, anyone can do it! We have also taken time and care to create a curriculum that allows all to be able to learn as many techniques as possible in an efficient and enjoyable way. More than mastering the methods of shoemaking, you will gain knowledge about leather and also have the chance to learn the difficult process of last making.
We hope to see you very soon!